It is amazing when you set self deadlines or make resolutions, you are taking the challenge they call life.
"I, Nick Butler resolve to complete a page each week for the next 52 weeks, and at the end of that time have a complete graphic novel, about my life in Los Angeles."
This is the challenge I gave myself two weeks ago, and tonight I am posting page 2. With all the chaos of life it is difficult to find time to do what you love. This story was born out of my sketch books, and is a blend of my reality, fantasies and all the place in between.
Creating this comic has been the single most complex thing, I have ever undertaken, and has up until this point consumed 5 years of my life. All of it has been preparation for this culmination of factors, that prepared me to take advantage of the opportunity laid before me.
With that said, I have posted page two... so please let me know what you see.