Wow, this has been the most productive and unproductive week in the longest time. I have not been giving work the attention it deserves due to the arrival of my cousin, who is complete consumed by his pursuit of a career in hip-hop. I love it when people are passionate and driven, but I don't think I have the energy to drive everyone's projects. I should if I am claiming to want to be a creative director. I don't think my job is very creative, it can be at times, but most of it is managerial and that is what makes it hard. I have been searching for ways to build better ways of doing things and constantly finding that that way doesn't work or is not going to work very long. I have been at this job as Digital Media Developer for more then 3 years, I think, and I really feel like I have nothing to show. Well today after, being asked, for the second time, what am I doing "HERE" in so many words, and then getting frustrated with one of my employees I said it is time for a job change. So I went on the web and started searching for creative jobs. I started with looking for a position as a creative director, and came to conclusion that I have not been telling people what to do for long enough. I need another 4 - 7 years and I am golden, so I down graded and realized that any creative job would be great, and I found a sweet one. But once again the "Submit your demo reel" monster reared it head and I am hit the same wall I hit when I think about applying to Pixar, "I GOT NOTHING!" Well, in due time. Right now I am working on a music video for the rap obsesses cousin so hopefully that will be another piece in my portfolio. Although the quality of my products are slowly improving, the most difficult skill to develop is patience. The time will come when I have all the pieces to get out of this Tech heavy job and into a more design creativity position, till then I will use the equipment at my disposal to build my master pieces.